Summer winding down
Can you believe it's the end of July? Soon school will be in session, and fall will be on its way. Back home, school didn't start until...

Slowing down
I hear it's a philosophy. Slowing down to get more done. Stop and smell the roses. The universe is talking to me and it's demanding that...

Cover reveal
SANTA PUPPY, the third Tourist Trap novella was super fun to write. Jill's trying to solve a mystery that will make one lucky woman's...

Killer Green Tomatoes - Release post
Killer Green Tomatoes, book 2 of the Farm-to-Fork Mystery series released on Tuesday. And you all exceeded my expectations! Thank you,...

Mid Year report
Happy July! I've taken some time today to go over my progress for the year on my resolutions. What gets measured, gets done. So here's my...