Sconed to Death - Release week
Okay, hold onto your hats. Sconed to Death releases on Tuesday which means there's a lot going on in Lynn's world. I hope you come and...

A start of summer
The weather is turning warm and the thunder storms have started. I drove home yesterday in the rain from Chicago. The heavy, heavy...

Bits and Pieces
I'm getting ready for a busy weekend. Well, actually, my life is double booked all the way through mid June. I'm getting ready for a big...

A Goal Book
Driving up to Milwaukee last month, I stopped at Cracker Barrel for food and to get out of the car for a bit. (The picture is not of my...

BV Reader Appreciation weekend
Last weekend I drove up to Milwaukee and back. In between, I met a ton of new and returning (rather than old - lol) readers. We had a...