Making a bucket list?
I was in the Cleveland area this week (crazy traffic). I knew I was near one of the great lakes when I was planning the route at least...

Sconed to Death - Release week
Okay, hold onto your hats. Sconed to Death releases on Tuesday which means there's a lot going on in Lynn's world. I hope you come and...

A start of summer
The weather is turning warm and the thunder storms have started. I drove home yesterday in the rain from Chicago. The heavy, heavy...

Bits and Pieces
I'm getting ready for a busy weekend. Well, actually, my life is double booked all the way through mid June. I'm getting ready for a big...

New Year's Resolutions
I did a week's worth of resolution planning on my Facebook page LynnCahoonAuthor this year. But you know me, I love my planning posts....

Happy New Year
What can you expect in terms of books from me for 2019? Wishing you a full and exciting 2019. Lynn Corned beef and Casualties – February...

Disappearing December
Is it just me or does it feel like this year has rushed by...I'm taking a long winter break from the day job starting next Friday and...

Cat Latimer returns in Slay in Character
It's here, it's here!! Slay in Character arrived yesterday at all online and bookstore venues. If you're near a local bookstore, I'd...

The disappearing month...
June just got away from me. I've had some additional activities. We sold our boat after a week of two hundred plus inquiries on Facebook....

Today kicked off right with a cover reveal on Dru's Book Musing. I so love this cover and it's getting great comments from readers. So...