Raining Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday...
It's been a rainy winter/start of spring here in the midwest. I don't feel my best in the wet weather, so I've been tired and grumpy....

Back to School
I signed up for Murder and Mayhem in Chicago with the understanding if I didn't get on a panel, I wouldn't go. Well, I didn't get on a...

Goodbye 2017
As the night falls here in Illinois, I'm thinking about what this year brought to me and the lessons I learned. Lesson 1- You gotta have...

Ending 2017 with a bang
As I review my 2017 posts, I see I talked a lot about work life balance and being so busy I wanted to take off by myself in the desert....

Release week - OF MURDER AND MEN
Yes, its time for the third installment in the Cat Latimer series, OF MURDER AND MEN. Want a taste? Here's an excerpt. Buy a copy at...

Labor Day check in
When does summer end for you? Back home, it was after Labor Day. Schools started that first Tuesday in September, I had registered for...

The other part of a writer's life...
I'm a planner. I celebrate my birthday for the entire month. And I tend to do the same thing for my book birthdays, or release days. ...

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...
Or replace your favorite holiday. I went to all the local bookstores yesterday to touch base and sign any stock they had for A Story to...