Making a bucket list?
I was in the Cleveland area this week (crazy traffic). I knew I was near one of the great lakes when I was planning the route at least...

Cover Reveal - Have a Deadly New Year
Check out Dru's Book Musing here - for a cover reveal. The crazy thing about this book is it wasn't even a thought in my head at the...

More puppies...
I can't believe it's been only a week since we picked up our two new family members. They've already gained weight and are falling into a...

Puppies...And a new release
Tuesday is release day for ONE POTATO, TWO POTATO, DEAD. Here's the blurb - Angie Turner’s restaurant, The County Seat, is conveniently...

Happy New Year
What can you expect in terms of books from me for 2019? Wishing you a full and exciting 2019. Lynn Corned beef and Casualties – February...

Killer Green Tomatoes - Release post
Killer Green Tomatoes, book 2 of the Farm-to-Fork Mystery series released on Tuesday. And you all exceeded my expectations! Thank you,...

Raining Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday...
It's been a rainy winter/start of spring here in the midwest. I don't feel my best in the wet weather, so I've been tired and grumpy....

Back to School
I signed up for Murder and Mayhem in Chicago with the understanding if I didn't get on a panel, I wouldn't go. Well, I didn't get on a...

Goodbye 2017
As the night falls here in Illinois, I'm thinking about what this year brought to me and the lessons I learned. Lesson 1- You gotta have...

Waiting for a sign...
I think all of us are going to get one today. It's Monday and the solar eclipse is supposed to happen around lunch time. We're hanging...