New Year's Resolutions
I did a week's worth of resolution planning on my Facebook page LynnCahoonAuthor this year. But you know me, I love my planning posts....

Disappearing December
Is it just me or does it feel like this year has rushed by...I'm taking a long winter break from the day job starting next Friday and...

Slowing down
I hear it's a philosophy. Slowing down to get more done. Stop and smell the roses. The universe is talking to me and it's demanding that...

Mid Year report
Happy July! I've taken some time today to go over my progress for the year on my resolutions. What gets measured, gets done. So here's my...

Back to School
I signed up for Murder and Mayhem in Chicago with the understanding if I didn't get on a panel, I wouldn't go. Well, I didn't get on a...

February resolutions check in
I committed to working on three goals this quarter but I think I touched five so far. With mixed results. Goal #1 Learn about marketing....

Fighting to come up for air
Kind of figuratively and literally. I got sick a week ago Friday. I know when I'm coming down with something. I get grumpy, things make...

2018 Goals/resolutions/projects
I had my accountability partner call this week and we went over our goals. I never feel like they're quite complete until after that...

First item checked off for 2018
I've spent the week writing romance as my other author name. The book I just finished and sent to my editor was one I started in early...

Goodbye 2017
As the night falls here in Illinois, I'm thinking about what this year brought to me and the lessons I learned. Lesson 1- You gotta have...