Puppies...And a new release
Tuesday is release day for ONE POTATO, TWO POTATO, DEAD. Here's the blurb - Angie Turner’s restaurant, The County Seat, is conveniently...
February musings
I've started writing the next book in the Farm to Fork series. I love visiting home with Angie and Felicia. With the carnival and the...
Happy New Year
What can you expect in terms of books from me for 2019? Wishing you a full and exciting 2019. Lynn Corned beef and Casualties – February...
Season's greetings...
So much going on this week. But first, I wanted to wish you a very, merry holiday season. I love this time of year when I can reflect...
Disappearing December
Is it just me or does it feel like this year has rushed by...I'm taking a long winter break from the day job starting next Friday and...
Slowing down
I hear it's a philosophy. Slowing down to get more done. Stop and smell the roses. The universe is talking to me and it's demanding that...
Killer Green Tomatoes - Release post
Killer Green Tomatoes, book 2 of the Farm-to-Fork Mystery series released on Tuesday. And you all exceeded my expectations! Thank you,...