The Sweet Smell of Summer
This essay was the first thing I'd ever had published besides a review of a dinner theater show for my local paper. The Sweet Smell of...

Cover Reveal - Have a Deadly New Year
Check out Dru's Book Musing here - for a cover reveal. The crazy thing about this book is it wasn't even a thought in my head at the...

My writing life
I'm on a no-travel, no-event month. July usually has a few trips in there for me and there's a few conferences I wanted to attend, but I...

Sconed to Death - Release week
Okay, hold onto your hats. Sconed to Death releases on Tuesday which means there's a lot going on in Lynn's world. I hope you come and...

A start of summer
The weather is turning warm and the thunder storms have started. I drove home yesterday in the rain from Chicago. The heavy, heavy...

Bits and Pieces
I'm getting ready for a busy weekend. Well, actually, my life is double booked all the way through mid June. I'm getting ready for a big...

A few years ago at the RWA Literacy signing, I sat next to Catherine Bybee and next to her, Mary Burton. We chatted briefly that year....

More puppies...
I can't believe it's been only a week since we picked up our two new family members. They've already gained weight and are falling into a...

Puppies...And a new release
Tuesday is release day for ONE POTATO, TWO POTATO, DEAD. Here's the blurb - Angie Turner’s restaurant, The County Seat, is conveniently...

Cover reveal
It's time for a cover reveal... A VERY MUMMY HOLIDAY is the last (contracted) novella in the Tourist Trap Holiday novella series. It...