A start of summer
The weather is turning warm and the thunder storms have started. I drove home yesterday in the rain from Chicago. The heavy, heavy...

Bits and Pieces
I'm getting ready for a busy weekend. Well, actually, my life is double booked all the way through mid June. I'm getting ready for a big...

Puppies...And a new release
Tuesday is release day for ONE POTATO, TWO POTATO, DEAD. Here's the blurb - Angie Turner’s restaurant, The County Seat, is conveniently...

Disappearing December
Is it just me or does it feel like this year has rushed by...I'm taking a long winter break from the day job starting next Friday and...

Breakfast - Essential or not?
I might have mentioned that I was on a diet/lifestyle change. Well, I fell off a few weeks back but the stuff I learned while I was...