Snow Day...Again
Don't get me wrong. I like snow. It's pretty. The sun dances over the top making it sparkle. It's fun to cross country ski in. But...

I realized I posted my January plans, but never really followed up. Even with the unusual circumstances (#losingbothourboys, #Homerlove,...

February musings
I've started writing the next book in the Farm to Fork series. I love visiting home with Angie and Felicia. With the carnival and the...

Corned Beef and Fun...
It's been a busy release week here. Corned Beef and Casualties came out of the gate hard and fast. If you haven't picked up your copy,...

February wishes
January wasn't a great month here at Casa Cahoon. We lost both our boys and we're still grieving. February is starting out warm and...

New Year's Resolutions
I did a week's worth of resolution planning on my Facebook page LynnCahoonAuthor this year. But you know me, I love my planning posts....

Season's greetings...
So much going on this week. But first, I wanted to wish you a very, merry holiday season. I love this time of year when I can reflect...

Disappearing December
Is it just me or does it feel like this year has rushed by...I'm taking a long winter break from the day job starting next Friday and...

Cat Latimer returns in Slay in Character
It's here, it's here!! Slay in Character arrived yesterday at all online and bookstore venues. If you're near a local bookstore, I'd...

A Deadly Brew is today's Kindle Daily Deal
Pretty cool, huh? (And I wanted to remind you that A Deadly Brew hit the USA Today bestseller list last month...) So if you haven't...