Hobbies or what I do when I'm not working or sleeping...
Which usually is nothing. But I'm going to change that. I'm planning on taking a little time this next week to get back into baking. It's...

Slowing down even more....
I had surgery last week which put me out of commission for just about the entire week. As I'm a list making, get things done fool, this...

Binge watching, anyone?
There's just something about sitting (vegging) in front of the television and watching shows off the DVR. Sometimes I even let them build...

School supplies
I love this time of year. Displays of new pens, papers, notebooks, organizers...you name it, you can get it. I have colored pencils to...

Summer winding down
Can you believe it's the end of July? Soon school will be in session, and fall will be on its way. Back home, school didn't start until...

Cover reveal
SANTA PUPPY, the third Tourist Trap novella was super fun to write. Jill's trying to solve a mystery that will make one lucky woman's...

Mid Year report
Happy July! I've taken some time today to go over my progress for the year on my resolutions. What gets measured, gets done. So here's my...

The disappearing month...
June just got away from me. I've had some additional activities. We sold our boat after a week of two hundred plus inquiries on Facebook....

What cha reading?
On my author Facebook page, we do a roundup of all the books we've been reading over the last week. I'm always amazed at how many readers...

Today kicked off right with a cover reveal on Dru's Book Musing. I so love this cover and it's getting great comments from readers. So...