Fitting in a little fun
I don't know about your schedule, but mine's pretty booked. But all work and no play makes Jack an axe waving maniac. I took last weekend...

Be very, very quiet...
I'm a little afraid to announce, but spring might have just arrived. We've had several good days in a row. Lowes was pack today when we...

Back to School
I signed up for Murder and Mayhem in Chicago with the understanding if I didn't get on a panel, I wouldn't go. Well, I didn't get on a...

March in like a Lion
PW (Publisher's Weekly) announced this today... Mystery/Crime NYT and USA Today bestselling author Lynn Cahoon's three new holiday...

A Touch of Spring...
We went out to the cabin this weekend and Mother Nature blessed us with sunshine and a beautiful day. I needed that. I still got my words...

Two months down...
Does anyone else feel like this year is flying? I've got so much on my to do list it's kind of freaking me out. But the good news is I...

February resolutions check in
I committed to working on three goals this quarter but I think I touched five so far. With mixed results. Goal #1 Learn about marketing....

Home again, home again...
Part of the fun of traveling is when you have a partner in crime. Mine is Laura Bradford. She's expanding her writing world into women's...

2018 Goals/resolutions/projects
I had my accountability partner call this week and we went over our goals. I never feel like they're quite complete until after that...

First item checked off for 2018
I've spent the week writing romance as my other author name. The book I just finished and sent to my editor was one I started in early...