February musings
I've started writing the next book in the Farm to Fork series. I love visiting home with Angie and Felicia. With the carnival and the...

Cruise musing
Okay, so after I freaked out for months about this cruise stuff, I had a great time. Not enough sunning, swimming, or reading, but a lot...

Slowing down even more....
I had surgery last week which put me out of commission for just about the entire week. As I'm a list making, get things done fool, this...

Slowing down
I hear it's a philosophy. Slowing down to get more done. Stop and smell the roses. The universe is talking to me and it's demanding that...

What cha reading?
On my author Facebook page, we do a roundup of all the books we've been reading over the last week. I'm always amazed at how many readers...