Back to School
I signed up for Murder and Mayhem in Chicago with the understanding if I didn't get on a panel, I wouldn't go. Well, I didn't get on a...

Finishing Christmas...
Actually, it's Santa Puppy, and it's a Tourist Trap novella. Writing these short novellas has been really fun and challenging since they...

Goodbye 2017
As the night falls here in Illinois, I'm thinking about what this year brought to me and the lessons I learned. Lesson 1- You gotta have...

Ending 2017 with a bang
As I review my 2017 posts, I see I talked a lot about work life balance and being so busy I wanted to take off by myself in the desert....

OF MURDER AND MEN released last week and has been getting some great reviews from the cozy reader world. Linda Langford from Chatting...

Building in Margins
The universe is talking to me lately. I've had several blogs I've read and workshops I've attended that screamed, SLOW DOWN. The problem...