Snow Day...Again
Don't get me wrong. I like snow. It's pretty. The sun dances over the top making it sparkle. It's fun to cross country ski in. But...

Be very, very quiet...
I'm a little afraid to announce, but spring might have just arrived. We've had several good days in a row. Lowes was pack today when we...

Raining Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday...
It's been a rainy winter/start of spring here in the midwest. I don't feel my best in the wet weather, so I've been tired and grumpy....

Back to School
I signed up for Murder and Mayhem in Chicago with the understanding if I didn't get on a panel, I wouldn't go. Well, I didn't get on a...

A Touch of Spring...
We went out to the cabin this weekend and Mother Nature blessed us with sunshine and a beautiful day. I needed that. I still got my words...