Tips to write more today and after NANO
Not sure I'm doing NANO this year but I found this blog and I'm repurposing it today. :) Novel Writing month is an annual event for...

Slowing down even more....
I had surgery last week which put me out of commission for just about the entire week. As I'm a list making, get things done fool, this...

Back to School
I signed up for Murder and Mayhem in Chicago with the understanding if I didn't get on a panel, I wouldn't go. Well, I didn't get on a...

February resolutions check in
I committed to working on three goals this quarter but I think I touched five so far. With mixed results. Goal #1 Learn about marketing....

Fighting to come up for air
Kind of figuratively and literally. I got sick a week ago Friday. I know when I'm coming down with something. I get grumpy, things make...

Goodbye 2017
As the night falls here in Illinois, I'm thinking about what this year brought to me and the lessons I learned. Lesson 1- You gotta have...

Ending 2017 with a bang
As I review my 2017 posts, I see I talked a lot about work life balance and being so busy I wanted to take off by myself in the desert....

They let me back in...
I went to Canada last week. It was my first time out of the country. Customs is all very electronic now. A machine reads your passport,...

Through the looking glass and back
So we had a health scare last month with my husband. The Big C was in play and we both spent a lot of time thinking and talking about...

Labor Day check in
When does summer end for you? Back home, it was after Labor Day. Schools started that first Tuesday in September, I had registered for...