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Leaping for Joy

Okay, so that’s a stretch. I’m actually walking unassisted for short periods after becoming a bionic woman with not one but two hip replacements in the last two years. Yay me!

“I am titanium…” Yes, I’ve been listening to old X-factor videos with The Cowboy. He’s a lot like me in loving watching people work hard and reach for a dream. He was furious when Adam Lambert lost on American Idol and now that Steven Tyler isn’t a judge, I can’t get him to watch the last season with me.

This time of year is always MUST SEE TV for me. I’ve got Project Runway All Stars and Top Chef and American Idol to watch. All three of these take people who have a gift and a dream to succeed and put them on the fast track for their lives.

Head down, butt in chair. I don’t think American Author would have the same audience pull. “Tonight the contestants wrote a horror short story just for you. They’ll read the first twenty pages and YOU, America, get to chose who goes on to your Top Eight.”

Yeah, not so much. But the good news is they could have mentors like Stephen King or Nora Roberts working with the group. And they couldn’t have an upper age limit. There are a lot of first time authors who wait until they retire to pursue their dream. I’d so sign up for that. The chance at 10 weeks of best selling story tellers mentoring you on your writing? Heaven.

Instead, today I am at my keyboard, looking at the week ahead and reaching for some higher word counts. I have 32 days before a deadline (but who’s counting) and the story is mostly still swirling around in my head.

What would my imaginary mentor Nora tell me? Sit in the damn chair and write the book.

I think it’s good advice.

What about you? What are you doing with your 366th day this year? Anything special?

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