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Labor Day check in

When does summer end for you? Back home, it was after Labor Day. Schools started that first Tuesday in September, I had registered for school and got the classes I wanted. Of course, I was a bit of a Hermione as I wanted to take all the classes.

I still have trouble with that concept. Maybe it's the writer in me that wants to explore every opportunity. I've found some things are not in my wheelhouse. Like watching a machine make plastic milk bottles and putting labels on the ones the machine got right. (Yep, a real job that sent me screaming back to college my sophomore year.)

I look at jobs now and think, I could do that. But could and enjoy are two different things. I'm working a day job now that gives me a lot of freedom in developing training opportunities as well as learning new information about different states and countries. And there's something satisfying with completing a project on time, even if you have to start the next month and do it all over again.

My friend calls me a contract collector. I've signed three contracts in the last year and have one in the legal process of getting correct before I sign. I see it less of a collector issue and more of a job security thing.

Being an author, you don't have anyone where you have to punch a clock or turn in a time sheet. You also don't have someone giving you a paycheck at the end of two weeks. You are the CEO, human resources, the talent, the marketer, and the supervisor. You have to worry about taxes and retirement funds. You decide if YOU get a bonus each year. You make your travel schedule and put you on a cheaper airline because it makes financial sense. And you are the one sitting down at the keyboard and listening to the voices in your head and making them real.

It's a crazy, busy job. I like doing somethings and don't like doing others but at the end of the day, I'm the only one that can be praised or blamed for the product.

I kind of like that.


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