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Release week - OF MURDER AND MEN

Yes, its time for the third installment in the Cat Latimer series, OF MURDER AND MEN.

Want a taste? Here's an excerpt. Buy a copy at your favorite digital and physical book store. Check out more here.

Trust. It was a hard word to put into practice. Especially when you applied it to humans, who—with the little thing called free will—didn’t seem to worry about breaking promises.

Cat Latimer sank into the leather chair her ex-husband—well, now deceased ex-husband—Michael had purchased through an online estate sale. The soft leather chair had been advertised as part of Tom Clancy’s writing office. She had a feeling that, at the price Michael had paid for the item, it probably was just an old chair. But it was lovely and comfortable, and still, after almost a year, smelled like Michael’s aftershave.

The television was turned on to the Cooking Channel and a celebrity chef whom Cat didn’t recognize was making cinnamon rolls. Normally, the house would smell like baked goods since they had a new group of writers coming in for the January retreat, but Shauna Mary Clodagh wasn’t baking in the kitchen. Her best friend and partner in the retreat business wasn’t even in the house. Shauna had promised to be here late tonight so there would be fresh baked goods available as soon as guests started arriving sometime around two. She’d talked Seth into doing the airport runs so all she had to do was cook and manage the lodging part of the retreat.

Cat wasn’t holding her breath.

Of Murder and Men….

Love is in the air in Aspen Hills, and it’s making a terrible mess of Cat Latimer’s writers’ retreat—especially when blood stains the plot . . .

Ever since her business partner, Shauna, fell for a wealthy landowner in town, Cat has been working double time to keep her writers’ retreat running. And with the January session almost underway, that spells trouble. As if scheduling mishaps aren’t disastrous enough, Shauna skips out on kitchen duties one morning, forcing Cat to serve unsuspecting guests store-bought muffins . . .

But best laid plans really go awry when Shauna discovers her beau missing from their bed. When his body later turns up in the horse barn, they quickly find out the victim’s scandalous lifestyle left many dying for revenge. While balancing an eccentric group of aspiring writers and a suspect list for the record books, Cat soon finds herself on the heels of a killer—and authoring her most deadly conclusion yet . . .

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