Ending 2017 with a bang
As I review my 2017 posts, I see I talked a lot about work life balance and being so busy I wanted to take off by myself in the desert.

Not good.
So next year, I'm going to change some of that. I'm still on a writing schedule that should be a full time job but I'm also still at the day job. I have contracts to fulfill.

But I also want to be able to breath. I'm cutting down my travel schedule for a year. I'll be going to fewer conferences and more reader events. And I'm going to continue my new tradition of doing one JUST FOR LYNN thing during my travel time. It's a reward system that seemed to work.

I'm going to continue to develop relationships and network with other authors in my genre or where I want to be. I don't have to be part of a club to network, but sometimes it helps.
I'm going to take the time to read one book a month on top of the audio books I devour on my commute. That way I can study different author styles and voices.

I'm starting 2018 as the year of Marketing. By the end of the year, I should know more about marketing and be more effective and efficient with my writing business.

Because this is a business. If I'm a traditional author (with a publisher) or self publishing, one thing is the same.
If it's going to be, it's up to me.