February resolutions check in
I committed to working on three goals this quarter but I think I touched five so far. With mixed results.
Goal #1 Learn about marketing.
I'm finishing up a class on headlines. It's been interesting and I'm going to take it again next quarter to keep the information in my head. I'm also part of a marketing mastermind group that meets twice a month. I'm learning so much, it's crazy.
Score - Good progress.

Goal #2 Get healthy by eating better, controlling portion control, and working out.
I lost 3.6 pounds in January. Then gained it back due to a lack of willpower while I was sick and more while I was on a book weekend. Back on the treadmill this week. I will be successful in this area this year.
Score - Not so much...

Goal #3 Set up a Standard Operating Procedure for releases and implement in March.
Basically, I want a checklist. So I'm not thinking a month down the road, darn, I was going to...
Score - Not started yet

And the other two goals?
Goal #4 Keeping up with my cozy contracts.
I juggled and balanced several in the last couple of months. I have one more deadline next week, then I'm clear until April 30th.
Goal #5 Pay off debt.
I own my car as of this month. Hallelujah! I really like Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover system.
So that's my report. I hope to have more under the good progress scores to celebrate next month.