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Mid Year report

Happy July!

I've taken some time today to go over my progress for the year on my resolutions.

What gets measured, gets done.

So here's my report.

  • I've written two books and one novella. (I still have two books and two novella to go by end of November.)

  • I've lost about 15 pounds - Depends on the scale

  • I've started a budgeting process

  • I've released four books (or will by Tuesday)

What I need to focus on the last half of the year:

  • Continuing the budgeting

  • Working out more consistently. I've been walking most days, but I need to put in my work out 30 minutes.

  • Stay on word count for the books during the week so I can take Sundays off.

Exercise, Consistent, Abundance. The Year of Marketing.

Those were my words for 2018.

I'm learning a lot about marketing as it relates to the book business. I still have a lot to learn, but as I learn new things, I'm implementing them with my self published works under Lynn Collins. Right now, I'm finishing the release of the fifth book but I'm also going back and changing the titles for books 2-4 to focus more on the romance. (PROJECT DETOUR is now HEALING HEARTS) You can follow my progress on my Lynn Collins facebook page.

Try, fail, try harder, fail bigger. Then succeed. It's a proven method.

What are you failing at today?


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