Slowing down even more....

I had surgery last week which put me out of commission for just about the entire week. As I'm a list making, get things done fool, this really has me antisy to get back to finishing things. Especially with writing a book and edits and marketing on my to do list. (A Deadly Brew releases next Tuesday. I hope you're looking forward to this peek into South Cove holiday life.)
Since I'm not able to sit at my computer and work 8-12 hours a day, I've been thinking. And reading. And watching television. And napping. And slowing down.
It's an odd feeling, not having to be anywhere at any time. I nap when I'm tired. I eat when I'm hungry or feeling peckish. And I read when I want to.
I finished Slash Your Retirement Risk by Chris Cook yesterday and the clear, non-fiction style helped me focus again. Today, I have a cozy mystery on my pile that I've been wanting to read for a while. And of course, there's a recent Stephen King sitting and waiting for me.
Not much to report, just checking in. I have found I adore watching series television, mostly because I can check in with well loved characters. I've stayed away from Bull, not knowing who Tony would be in the story, but I still see the sparkle in the actor and the character.