I realized I posted my January plans, but never really followed up.
Even with the unusual circumstances (#losingbothourboys, #Homerlove, #Demonlove) I got most of the stuff on my list done.

But there's one item that was on January's list and February's list, and is looking like it might stay on March's list if I don't do something about it today.
Edits for the Bull Rider's Brother (Lynn Collins). It's a secret baby/cowboy/reunion story and I love it. But I haven't been putting that love into actions to get it back up for sale and out into the world again.

Not sure, but I think I feel like my Collin's pen name is my third job. Maybe I just need to make sure I schedule time to work my third job, just like my other two.
Or maybe I'm just busy.

Either way, as soon as this is posted, I'm going in to key those edits. #timetogetstuffdone