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Puppies...And a new release

Tuesday is release day for ONE POTATO, TWO POTATO, DEAD.

Here's the blurb -

Angie Turner’s restaurant, The County Seat, is conveniently located near a first-class farmers market—so her menu is full of fresh ingredients. But a visiting culinary professor has just had a taste of something very unhealthy . . .

Angie first meets Daniel Monet at a local mission, where she and her chef-in-training, Hope, are serving barbeque chicken poutine to the homeless. Monet is one of Hope’s teachers—but Angie’s boyfriend knows him from his youthful days in England. But soon, the bon vivant is no longer vivant. When Monet is found dead, with Hope’s prints on the wine glass next to him, it will be Angie who has to sauce out the real killer . . .

Monday is a Facebook party with some of my cozy author friends.

Tuesday is release day. (And I'll be sending my newsletter.)

Wednesday I'm over at Dru's Musing - Or Angie is...

Thursday we're doing a twitter chat with my publisher.

So lot's of excitement around the release...

But Dom, Angie's St. Bernard is more interested in the two new additions to our family.

Dexter and Quinn are baby Keeshonds and sleeping in my office as I type this...

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