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Bits and Pieces

I'm getting ready for a busy weekend. Well, actually, my life is double booked all the way through mid June. I'm getting ready for a big push for the upcoming release of SCONED TO DEATH.

Saturday I'll be chatting with the murder mystery crew up in Chicago - Sulzer Public Library, 4455 N. Lincoln Avenue, Chicago. It's open to the public and books will be available for purchase and signing afterward. You can find out more here...

Stops in Marshalltown Iowa (as well as stopping at local B&N's along the way to sign stock); Richmond, Virginia (Fountain Books and Libbie Mill's Library); and my old hometown - Boise, Idaho for the Boise Book Fest on the Grove.

(I think I was in Atlanta at RT when this picture was taken.)

Not to mention I'll be doing local stock signings at all the B&N's around my new hometown - St Louis with a library event on the 17th of June.

If you want more information about where I'll be - check out the events page on my webpage. I think I have it updated through August. Ohio is on this years plans as well as Southern California.

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