July report from the front lines

I didn't travel anywhere (at least for the books - I did go to my cabin for 4th of July. Everything was fine until someone tried to blow themselves up with the fireworks.) It was nice staying home and getting things done.
We had a staycation during the hottest time of the year. So we moved my office. I moved so many books, my legs hurt for two days. But I'm lifting right, apparently. The bad news is I found so many books I want to read NOW. And I have no time.
We took the babies to the levee and walked. They said it was too hot, even early in the morning. And they had their first grooming. They'll be seven months old next week. Quinn is celebrating by getting spayed. I think she's going to be hating us in August.

And I'm hopefully finishing a book (the eleventh book in the Tourist Trap series) by the end of the month. I'm close. And I know what I need to write. It's just finding the time to do it.

(By the way, Guidebook and the rest of the Tourist Trap series e-book is on sale this month. Check it out on your favorite vendor.)
Which is the answer to everything in life. Making the time to do the things that push your dreams forward.
I'm back on the road in August. Upcoming events are all posted on my webpage. So make sure you check it out.