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February musing

So, it's almost over. Two months in 2021. I'm killing the writing right now. I've been on schedule since the first of the year. It's feeling good. I've got a lot to do this year, so getting on the word train now is important.

And, we've had horrible weather, so I haven't wanted to sit outside on the deck. Until yesterday. Not only did we get a walk in for the dogs (Dexter and Quinn are two year old Keeshonds) we spent some quality time sitting and talking about the future on the deck. We had the deck heater going (for the first time since we bought it) and it made the time perfect.

But rain came back today, and I'm still finishing my work. Next up, a walk on the treadmill, then I get to reward myself with some reading time.

Best thing that happened this month? I got used to virtual events. They're kind of fun. And I got good news at the bone doctor.

Plans for March? Two more virtual events next week. Releasing a new Tourist Trap book (PICTURE PERFECT FRAME), and some quality time with the third Kitchen Witch book that's due the end of May.

What was one best thing about February for you?

1 Comment

Ronnie O'Connell
Ronnie O'Connell
Feb 28, 2021

Buying a car and selling the old one for enough for 9 car payments (it didn't even have a transmission) and getting another 9 from my tax return!

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