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Reading across the age group

Okay, full confession. I love reading young adult (or middle grade) books. Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, and now, Truly Devious. It's fun to go back to high school and realize you're not the only one feeling out of place.

Shadow and Bone is a YA fantasy and I'm loving the second book in the series.

I love these books because of their reluctant hero main character. I'm just a kid. I'm not special, until you find out you have hidden talents that are more than you'd ever expected.

Your turn, favorite young adult book you read either back in the day or now, and why?



Aug 19, 2020

OH GOSH...there are so very many! I love the Trixie Belden series (Nancy was a bit prissy for me), ALL the Walter Farley's wonderful horse books, as well as Marguerite Henry's books. My very first Science Fiction book was Heinlein's "Citizen of the Galaxy," followed closely by "Podkayne of Mars," and they remain favorites! OH, and Erin Hunter's Warriors cycle! ALL OF THEM!


Aug 18, 2020

I love the Young Adults as well! Some of my favorites are:

Harry Potter because Harry is so sensational!

Percy Jackson and Kane Chronicles because of my interest in mythology

39 clues - love to see the kids beat the adults!

The Agency series - good mysteries set in 19th century London with girl from wrong side of the tracks

Temeraire series - how can you not like talking dragons!

Starcatcher series - Peter Pan - need I say more!

Doll People (so much fun) - haven't you always thought in the back of your mind that dolls and the like are really alive but on a different plain?

Queen of the Tearling, Chronicles of Narnia - fantasy worlds com…


Vicki Lynch
Aug 18, 2020

I loved Trixie Belden, Nancy Drew, Agatha Christie, and the Wrinkle in Time series among many others. Obviously mysteries have been my favorite genre since a young age! Most of these also have people with strong friendships and family relationships, that has always appealed to me. That plus the suspense and the opportunity to use my brain trying to determine whodunnit!


Susan Craig
Aug 18, 2020

Terry Pratchett's Discworld series is written for adults, but he has some YA books in the series. The Tiffany Aching books about a teenage witch are wonderful. Also by Terry Pratchett, but not set in the Discworld, are The Bromeliad Trilogy. The trilogy follows a young gnome who must save his people. I would read anything Terry Pratchett wrote.


Thomas Palmer
Aug 18, 2020

Harry Potter, The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings, Tarzan, The Black Stallion series, Henry Reed Inc., Encyclopedia Brown, The Dragon Crown War trilogy, anything Dick Francis (pre2010 when he died), Agatha Christie, several of the classics: Peter Pan, The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland, Mary Poppins, Twenty-Four Potential Children of Prophesy...

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